
  • I used to wake up with anxiety almost every morning w/this knot in my stomach, feeling like I'm behind the 8 ball, like there's something I should be doing but not doing and also not knowing what that thing is. I woke one day and I realized I had been waking up for several days w/out that feeling.

    Also I'd say my biggest take away is I learned what it means to be connected with your heart... literally.

    Connect with your heart, be in your heart is phrase we hear often. For me it always felt too etherical or conceptual, an idea to aspire to. This program brought it down to a tangible heartfelt experience that I can always tap into. It was also empowering to know how powerful we can truly when we are connected to our hearts. Thank you for offering this program 💖💗


  • This is a game changer…it’s really powerful…..

    I feel I can behave really different now than before, different in the worst scenarios.

    When two people close to me had heart attacks in the middle of this course and other things went wrong….at the end my mom asked “What the hell are you doing different? This is not you, you are reacting so different”

    I don’t know how to explain to people how powerful this course is…it’s like a deep profound and magic meditation you had, how do you put it into words? Thank you thank you thank you….

    I can trust myself, I can trust my heart I can trust whatever comes.


  • The heartmath methods and the way we practiced them and the way you answered the questions and the way we shared with each other really helped me to pull out the tools when I needed them…..

    in tough situations I was able to view the situations without judgment of myself or the situation, and I was able to present myself in different ways.

    I wasn’t doing this 2 months ago, and this course is really changing my life and those around me, and I really want to repeat this course to ingrain it again and again.

    This course feels so critical to life….Thank you for everything….


  • Very appreciative and grateful for the time you’ve dedicated to us…

    The course has affected me very positively in accepting and dealing with bad situations, its just become a whole lot easier to deal with, stuff just slides off like teflon.

    If it’s especially bad news, it just doesn’t have as big of an impact and the heart focused breathing helps with all of it.
